Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Pilch Warpspittle

Pilch Warpspittle started life as an Elven prince. Spoiled rotten with every whim and desire catered to, his debauchery knew no bounds. His lifestyle should have pointed him into Slaanesh’s embrace but in an ironic twist of fate, Papa Nurgle blessed Pilch with an incredibly potent venereal disease. With his manhood (elfhood?) no longer working correctly, Pilch prayed to every god he could think of for relief. When he got to Nurgle, Father bellowed and his children chittered with laughter…

I have to admit that I wasn’t a big fan of this sculpt back in the day. I changed my mind over the last couple years as I’ve seen some very nicely painted versions online. This guy was very intense to paint as he is filled tons of tiny details and my eyes just aren’t what they used to be. Getting older is a bitch.

I did use him as an opportunity to experiment with a few things. The first is that I used some burnt sienna ink on the bone part. Next I played with color theory and mixed olive green with a purplish red to make a reddish brown for the shading on the cloak. I think it turned out well. Also used static grass for the first time.
Not sure yet if I’ll as a champion, warrior or give him some magic power befitting his pointing finger.
Thanks for checking in, see ya later.


  1. That is a very nicely painted chaos champion, I like the subtle light colours you used.

  2. Thanks for the kind words Alex! I popped over to your blog to check it out, nice to see some 2nd Ed 40k love.


Gaslands terrain

 I like to pop into my local dollar store every now and then to see if there is anything new that I can use gaming projects. Some crap found...