Welcome back! So, according to the title above we’ve got a Citadel vampire here. Specifically C18 Night Horrors Vampyre with Runesword as per the January 1988 sales flyer (thanks Suff of Legends). Vampyre with a Y? Why? I don’t know. And runesword? I don’t see any runes on it. Really could be better described as “fancy shaped sword”. Another example of the wacky sense of humor Citadel used to have? Maybe, maybe not but I do miss those days.
This is actually the second version of this miniature. The first sculpt was released a couple of years earlier in the Night Horrors range. It had a different head and weapon.

The skin was a fun adventure and tone was something that I hadn’t tackled before. I wanted it to be unique and quite pale. I based with Reaper 09038 Rainy Grey. Then shaded with Reikland Flesh Shade. Highlighted with the Rain Grey and then the tippy tops were hit with Army Painter Matt White WP1102. The reddish color around the eyes and mouth is Vallejo 72.093 Skin Wash. The hair is Vallejo Model Color 70.811 Blue Violet base, shade is Vallejo Game Ink 72.087 Violet. Highlights with Blue Violet and then Matt White. Seemed to work well to make the hair pop. The robe (skirt, dress, whatever it’s 2023, I don’t judge) was painted with Vallejo Game Color 72.106 Scarlet Blood. Shade was thrown on with the Violet ink. Highlights where Scarlet Blood then second highlight was that same red with some Vallejo 72.034 Bonewhite mixed in. This has become my go to recipe for red as it seems to work very well. The armor was painted P3 Thamar Black first (I like this black as it reminds me of the old flip top Citadel Chaos Black). Then coated with Army Painter WP1130 Plate Mail, shaded with Nuln Oil, hit with the Plate Mail again then some Army Painter WP1129 Shining Silver. The metal parts where then ran over with a very watered down light blue ink. Which I think gave the metal a neat effect.
What do you think?
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