Monday, April 20, 2020

Gaslands terrain

So after getting bit by the Gaslands bug and searching the interwebs far and wide, I haven’t found much about making terrain. Everyone’s about making cars. That’s cool cause you need cars to play. But you also need a racetrack/battle arena. As there is a lack of building Gaslands terrain information on the webs, I figured I’d show ya’ll how I’m doing it.
I have to start out with that I love making terrain. I’m not that good at it, but I still enjoy it. Even as much as painting miniatures and playing the games. Building terrain lets my imagination run wild and I can make whatever I want (usually with whatever supplies I have on hand).
For me at least, having decent painted miniatures and decent painted terrain is part on the game. So without further ado-here is Gaslands terrain:
I used all of the skills and techniques that I learned many years ago building 40k terrain.
I used the cheapo foam board from Dollar Tree. It’s the best because it’s crap. The paper backing is very thin and peels off easy, which is what I want. I peel off both sides of that thin, crappy tissue paper revealing a nice thin piece of foam. I cut it into the shape I want with a Exacto blade with ease. Then I trace around that shape onto some thin card stock. The box that your beverages came in is perfect for this (you didn’t throw that away did you?)
I then glue the foam to the matching card stock. I like Gorilla Wood Glue. It has a very strong bond and I always like to protect my terrain against armor piercing dice. I put these base assemblies under a weight for a couple of hours to keep them from warping. 
After they’d cured enough, I went on with business. I took the cheapo dollar store cars (four for $1), that I’d smashed with a hammer, and pushed them into the soft foam of the base.

The impressions told me were I needed to put the glue to get them secured to the base. Where the two cars touched, I used super glue.

I beveled the edges of the base. I then used some foam drop offs, bits of straws (for pipes), and carved toothpick spikes for some details.
Glue on some sand and wait for it to dry 

Next time we’ll look at details and paint. 
Till then be safe and stay healthy!

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Gaslands terrain

 I like to pop into my local dollar store every now and then to see if there is anything new that I can use gaming projects. Some crap found...