What is this lunacy? Nothing for months then two posts within a week? If anything, I’m erratic. Anyway, let’s get to it.
What we have here are two Clerics from Grenadier Julie Guthrie’s Personalities. They are from my friend’s collection, purchased in blister back in the day from what was then our local game shop: Newton Hobby Center.
They were originally supposed to be painted as a commission but he has so far refused to take them home.
846 Armored Cleric

891 Adventuring Cleric
As far painting I’m pleased with the armor. Metallics can sometimes be difficult as I’ve found that different brands have different viscosity. This is important because you can’t thin metallic paint without losing it’s metallic quality. So far I’ve found that for my painting style, Army Painter metallics have the perfect viscosity without thinning. The other thing that I’m very pleased with is my growing use of glazes. I painted the the shafts of their maces with Vallejo 72.034 Bonewhite (“real” artists would call buff? I will forever refer to it as Bleached Bone), then glazed with burnt sienna ink. And the shadows of the cloaks were glazed with Reaper 09038 Rainy Grey after painting them white. The cloaks are something that I will use again as it makes these goody goods look good!
The rope on the Adventuring Cleric was a real pain to paint as Julie got a little too fine with the detail. I shouldn’t complain though as these are some very nicely sculpted miniatures that in my opinion can hold their own against any others.
I realized after taking these pictures that I hadn’t finished the rims of the bases. After that they will surely see some action against the evil undead!