Sunday, March 6, 2022

Gaslands objective markers

 While out shopping for some specific cars for Gaslands sponsors I came across some Hot Wheels monster truck combo packages at a local Dollar General. They were from 2019 and being a few years old they were tucked away in the back on the discount shelf. Each package came with two monster trucks, a regular car and a smashed car. You can never have too many monster trucks but it was the crushed cars that really peaked my interest. These weren’t just some cheap molded plastic shells but legit hot wheels smashed at the factory and supplied in four bright colors.

Definitely way too bright and shiny for post apocalyptic vehicle mayhem. So out came the washes.

The washes are ones that I made for terrain and are based on the famous Les’ recipe.
I started with black on the bottom chassis and the inside back of the wheels. For the bodies I started out with sepia, then went to burnt umber. I finished off by applying brown and burnt sienna to select areas. I didn’t go too heavy with the weathering as I wanted them to retain some of their brightness and stand out from regular smashed cars.

More Gaslands stuff to come soon!

Gaslands terrain

 I like to pop into my local dollar store every now and then to see if there is anything new that I can use gaming projects. Some crap found...