Monday, September 21, 2020

Ruined Temple

 I made this Ruined Temple to go along with the Minotaurs that I’ve been painting lately. Reading the Realms of Chaos books will tell you that Minotaurs guard temples dedicated to Chaos. This temple can be used many different ways: cultists or sorcerers performing rituals, sacrifices, or  a Minotaur guarding an arcane relic or effigy to a specific deity. It has a very Greek influence and I purposefully made it none specific to any God so it could be inhabited by any type of creature. Even a Gorgon.

Many times when I’m painting a miniature or making a piece of terrain, I think of a story that goes with it. A little background or a scenario. So here’s a scenario idea that goes with this Ruined Temple.

The Temple:

There is a small but ancient temple just off of Old Forest Road. Although the temple is in ruins and generally not in use for rituals to the Old Gods anymore. This temple houses a long forgotten yet powerful magic item. Upon the temple’s small alter is a ... 

(insert magic item here). This temple is guarded by a rather large Minotaur (and possibly some beastmen depending on the experience of the adventures/warband). And being attacked by band of goblins (and/or orcs). The greenskins will try to kill Brarag and burn down the temple. They will also attack anyone that gets in their way of accomplishing this task. To make matters worse, Azogorim the Wizard is there to steal the magic item. (He enters from the opposite side of the table from the warband). Will the adventures be able to get to the magic item before Azogorim has the chance to steal it? Will the adventures take the magic item for themselves? Will they befriend the Minotaur Brarag, leaving the magic item on the alter and help him defend his temple from sacrilege? (There is a one in six chance the magic item is cursed!)

If the adventures search the interior of the temple they may find a passage way to a room beneath the temple. This room contains an undead champion of Chaos, three skeleton warriors and two ghouls. After defending these enemies the adventures find: 4D6 gold, a Ring of Invisibility (May be used once per battle, lasted 1D3 turns), Mithral armour (no movement penalty), winged boots (+1 Initiative).

Leave it to Cleaver

 So the blog quiet for a little while but I assure you that I’ve been busy. 

We’ll start with this C25 Minotaur 

Damn, check out dem buns. He’s one of the later ‘87-‘88 C25 Minotaurs with head that is separate from the body. Around this time Citadel/GW stopped naming their individual miniatures. So I gave this guy his own name. His name is Brarag. 

Here’s another picture of Brarag with his buddy Bhovus:

They have a new sit com this season called Leave it to Cleaver. (They are previewing some Townscape that I’m working on)

Thanks for stopping by!

Gaslands terrain

 I like to pop into my local dollar store every now and then to see if there is anything new that I can use gaming projects. Some crap found...